Last week, we talked about influence.
You influence other people and those people are your sphere of influence.
But you are also influenced by others, and it’s good to recognize them and thank them every once in a while!
This is YOUR week to write about the women in your life who influence you for the better!
Write a post {or link up a post you’ve already written} about an influential woman {or women} in your life, come back here to link it up, and you’ll be entered to win this beautiful necklace from The Rusted Chain…
Isn’t it gorgeous?! And Beki, the artist behind The Rusted Chain, is one of those wonderful women who have such a positive influence on those around her – she is a blessing!
So who will you share about?
Your mom…
Or your grandma or your sister…
An old friend…
or new friends…
Whoever you want!
I look forward to reading your posts!
{Oh, and please link back to this post in the post you are linking up to spread the word? Thanks!}
**Link-up will be open until Friday, October 21st at 11:59 pm CST! Winner will be chosen at random and announced next Saturday! A BIG thank you to The Rusted Chain for donating this beautiful prize!**
I’d like to share my dear sweet soul sister Suzanne. We met nine years ago. We shared so much together, ourselves, our friendship and our children, we were kindred spirits. She taught me so much. During her battle with breast cancer her devotion to God and her accepting spirit, her strength and her courage are what really spoke to me. She lost her battle with breast cancer after only five months, but it was while she was in the trenches that her greatest lessons were taught and shared. I miss her terribly.
Writing that post was a good thing for me. It helped to remind me of those in my past.