I am completely wrapped up in mommyhood. Sometimes it’s hard to believe I am anything BUT a mom. I have a five-year-old, a three-year-old, and one on the way – I am called “Mommy” more than any other name on a daily basis.

After we got home from church today, I was simultaneously making lunch, helping Big J make his packing list for staying at Grandpa and Grandma’s this week, and unloading the dishwasher. The hubby tried to kiss me and I was anywhere but there. Isn’t that horrible?!

I love being a mother, but it can take over everything else and the truth is I AM other things than a mom. It’s good for me to remember that truth in the middle of lunch-making and lesson-planning and discipline.

I am a wife. I am blessed to be married to my best friend – a man who constantly amazes me and makes me so proud {and still tells me I’m beautiful all the time}!

I am a daughter. I have been out of their house for almost twelve years now, but I am still the firstborn of my mother and father, whom I love dearly.

I am a sister. I have one lovely younger sister. We are everything you expect sisters to be {and we’re expecting at the same time}!

I am a friend. Blessed to be called friend by some of the most amazing, beautiful women I have ever met.

I am a homemaker. Still learning the ropes, but I am striving to make this place more than just a house every day.

I am a writer. {Really never thought I would say THAT about myself. Still not totally comfortable with it either.}

And I’m sure I’m leaving other roles out…

I don’t make this list to overwhelm myself, although thinking of all these roles and what I should be doing can send a flood of panic over me.

But making this list also helps me to evaluate and prioritize the many roles in my life. I first went through this process while reading Kat’s fabulous ebook, Mission Statements for Moms, but it is a valuable exercise for any woman {or person for that matter}.

I am FIRST a child of God and follower of Christ. I didn’t even include that in the list above, but without that, I am nothing, therefore it comes first.

Next I am the wife of a handsome, amazing man, then mother to our two {make that THREE} boys. I am the keeper of our home.

After that, things fall into place as need be – relationships with family, friends, followed by my creative outlets and other responsibilities.

Without writing out these priorities and reviewing them often {DAILY}, I will get lost in this role or that and some roles will got forgotten completely. People are neglected, life loses it’s purpose, and intentionality is gone.

Intentional. That is the key. That is why I ask “Who are you?”

I really want you to think about it today and then be INTENTIONAL about living out those roles and priorities.

Have you taken the time to really examine who you are lately?

Please don’t short-change yourself – every role you have is an important one, just make each is getting the appropriate amount of attention, time and energy!