It’s Tuesday, which means it is God-sized dream day around here. This week Holley asked us quite the loaded question…

What do you really want more of in your life?

See what I mean?

God-Sized Dreams TeamThat is one big question to ask a God-sized dreamer. I really thought it would be hard to pin down what exactly I want more of in my life, other than more time in my day, more sleep, and more chocolate. Can you ever really have enough of any of those?

Seriously, as I sat and pondered the “more” that I most wanted in my life, I was taken back to a conversation I had with Stacey, my dear friend and God-sized dream buddy.

I am a mama of three young boys, and in reality, I will busy for years to come with them. This is truth even if I don’t take on any other commitments. Being a wife and mom are “all-in” callings and I’m good with that.

I could say I want more “me” time or more family time or more writing time, but that’s not really it. It all boils down to one sentence Stacey threw out at me {we both process verbally – there were a lot of words out there!}:

“I want to invest my time, not spend it.”

BAM. I’m not even kidding when I say that word “invest” just struck me like a bolt of lightning.

And that was my more right there.

I want to be MORE INVESTED in the things that matter, the places God has put me, the people He has surrounding me.

I tend to bounce from thing to thing a lot {maybe a little ADD?!} and that leads to a lot of unfinished projects, unpursued dreams, and unfulfilled feelings. Sometimes it feels like I never have enough time for anything, but it’s more about HOW I’m investing the time I do have – not wasting or spending or wishing away the hours.

Investing in the people and places and projects of now of course means saying no to other good things, but I’m not looking at it that way. I’m looking at being MORE INVESTED as bringing me MORE of what God has for my life. And really, that’s just the best there is.

I also know that when I shared my dream back in January, feeling all small and sheepish, God took what felt like a tiny dream and start pumping it up, little by little. The place He is taking that dream will require much MORE INVESTMENT in Him, in my family, and in my writing. In that order. Or it just won’t work.

Jesus shares the parable of the three servants both in Matthew 25 and Luke 19. They are each given money to invest by their master while he is gone. The first two servants invested well and added to the money entrusted to them, so they were rewarded by the master. The last servant held on to the money due to fear and had nothing more to show for it. He lost even what had been give to him. The parable wraps up this way:

To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. ~Matthew 25:29

Use well what I’ve been given and MORE will be given. That’s what investment is all about. And in the Kingdom of God, the rewards are for eternity.

Now it’s your turn to answer this loaded question…

More God-Sized Dreams

Read the posts of more God-sized dreamers and link up your own at Holley’s place today!

And if you need a little guidance {or a cheerleader!} on your God-sized dream journey, you must get Holley’s new book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You. Yes, I said MUST. You can thank me later.


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