Physical fitness has become a high priority in our home this year and the way we spend our time reflects this priority. It is a discipline and comes with some sacrifice, but also great rewards {like hitting my goal weight today!}.
That’s right. I’m feeling pretty strong today.
I want this kind of “fitness” in other areas of my life as well.
The two areas of I’m thinking of specifically are mental and spiritual, which I guess covers most of the rest of my life, huh?!
In the physical arena of my life, I carve out 45 minutes to an hour everyday to sweat it out so that my body is healthy and strong. I train for races to give myself goals and motivation. I stay accountable with my husband and my best friend, as well as checking in with the Living and Active Challenge.
The way I plan, and stick to this plan, shows my commitment to physical fitness.
Now it is time to do the same for my mental and spiritual well-being.
Mental: My goals in this area mainly have to do with reading to keep my mind active and sharp. The list of books I want to read is a mile long, so I really need to make a plan and commit to chip away at that list. I will be making a list of the books on my to-read list to post on here and then cross them out as I go for some accountability! The books on my list include a little of everything: fiction, non-fiction, parenting, Christianity, marriage, writing, and more!
Spiritual: The Hello Mornings Challenge and the She Reads Truth reading plans have really helped me stay consistent with my time in the Word, but I want to dive in deeper. God has laid some specific chapters and verses smack dab in front of me several times and I’m taking that as a sign that I need to study them more closely, take notes, and even take action on some of them! I’ll share more about these as I go!
I am also planning more intentional time with the people in my life who feed my mental and spiritual growth. I had some of that this weekend at dotMOM and I came away feeling like a new woman all around! God knows what and who we need, right when we need it!
With all of that said, here is my plan for the week:
- Monday: run 4 miles
- Tuesday: elliptical, rowing machine
- Wednesday: run 3-4 miles {depending how my knee feels}
- Thursday: kettlebell workout
- Friday: exercise bike or run at my parents’ house
- Saturday: exercise bike or run at my parents’ house
- Sunday: elliptical, weights
- Read/finish The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears
- Read/finish Every Writer Needs a Tribe: A Practical Guide to Finding (and Writing For) Your Audience
- Pick up The Greatest Generation from my mom
- Continue She Reads Truth plan
- Take notes on what I read every morning
- Start implementing prayer strategies from The Circle Maker
In which area do you find it easiest to make a commitment? What specific goals have you, or will you, set for this week for your all around fitness?
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Erin, you are gold, girl! I’m so thankful to know you and be inspired and encouraged by you.
I do best at the mental discipline … I always make time to read and seek growth. I’m definitely worst at physical.
Hi, I am stopping by from the Peak 313 Challenge. You have an awesome blog. Congrats on hitting your goal weight. I love that you are striving to be come fit and healthy in all areas of you life. God bless you and your family this week.
Thank you so much Veronica! Great to meet you!
Visiting from Peak 313 Challenge – and so glad I did!!! You are a powerhouse sweet sista!!! HUGE Congratulations on achieving your goal weight – that is *AWEsome*!!! Totally inspirational!!! … Well done on pushing yourself to improve your mental and spiritual ‘fitness’ too!! I am also a fellow HelloMornings participant (first session), however I am failing this challenge miserably!! I’m also participating in the current GMG’s study on Colossians, so at least I am getting *some* spiritual guidance though. I do love listening to either my audio book version of the BiBle or Chuck Missler’s podcasts though, and have been listening to quite a few of these (podcasts) lately – they always push me to go deeper into God’s Word, challenging me and my understandings … and always make me *think*!! … Also means I can get in some extra spiritual sustenance while I’m doing the dishes or folding laundry – two things I loathe doing 🙂
Good luck this coming week on the goals you’ve set!! God is with you every step of the way – he’s got your back!! … Will be praying for His strength and guidance upon you this coming week, the rest of the challenge, and the months & years that follow!! Stay Strong in the King!!
Larissa, you are so sweet! Thanks for your encouragement! I love the podcast idea for during chores! I need to try that! And I’ve done Hello Mornings several times and it is still hard – we just have to keep trying every day! Great to meet you!
You are inspiring girl! I’m doing okay in the spiritual and mental areas (I’m reading the Circle Maker, too), but I am awful at physical. I just hate exercise. I need to just start small. 🙂
So true! I hated exercise as well, but having the right support and motivation around me made a huge difference. Couch to 5K really got me jump started – starting small is good!
By the way, so good to meet you this weekend! You are delightful! Have so much fun at Allume!
How do you do it all? I have run a half marathon (last December) and loved it, but ever since I’ve had a really hard time getting motivated an. I want to spend more time with God and studying His Word, but I just feel like I can’t get control of my day. I have 2 boys (5 and 2) and work full-time. I can’t imagine all that you do in a day and still fit everything in. What does your schedule look like?
Hi Martha!
First of all, I don’t work full time! I’m not sure where I would fit in everything if I did!
I did work full time when Big J was little, but I wasn’t big into working out at that point! As far as time with God, I did a lot of worshipping and praying during my commute and read during lunch!
I may do a post on what I would like my schedule to look like, but it is still very much a work in progress! Early mornings are my biggest struggle but also my biggest reward when I actually get up and use them wisely.
I’m praying you can find more time for studying God’s Word – I love your hunger for that!
Stopping by from Peak313 challenge and I love how clearly you’ve laid out your goals. A good balance with your reading, too!
Blessings and congrats on reaching your goal weight!