It all started out innocently enough…

The boys could not keep their hands off the candy, but they were actually very careful…

Thanks to the constant battle between the gingerbread/frosting combo and myself, we almost had a train wreck instead of a train (notice the engine leaning towards Little J)…

But we persevered.

It wasn’t perfect. By any means.

But it’s still standing.

And I have some proud helpers and fun memories to show for it.


Blessings abound here at Home with the Boys…

71. Watching TV cuddled up with the hubby.

72. Red & green M&Ms.

73. Fresh popcorn with real butter.

74. A hubby who is a master present wrapper.

75. Christmas movies and specials galore.

76. Singing Christmas carols during worship – O come let us adore Him, indeed.

77. “Mommy, I want you.”

78. Hearing Little J start praying on his own.

79. Helpful friends – in real life and online.

80. The joy found in the REAL meaning of Christmas.


What imperfect moments have made great Christmas memories for you?