One of the fun parts of MOPS Convention is the resource fair. It is FULL of booths relevant to me – a Christian woman, wife and mom. I just loved meeting the people who are out there making quality, wholesome products for my family and I AND glorifying God through it all!

One of those fantastic people is Amy Knapp.

I met Amy at her booth at the resource fair and she is such a sweetheart! Her booth was swamped with interested ladies, but she was not too busy to have a conversation with a mom with questions!
You see, Amy has an incredible line of organizers designed for on-the-go families. Everything from a “basic” spiral bound organizer – secular or Christian – to a planner for expecting moms and a homeschooling organizer. And you have to the big central calendar at home, like her Big Grid Family Wall Organizer!
Now, while I think all of those products are amazing, I am focusing on one today for two reasons:
1. This is the one I own.
2. This is the one I am giving away!
There are A LOT of organizers and planners to choose from, so why this one?
Take a look inside…

The first thing my eyes went to were the grocery list and menu sections because my mind works like that, but those aren’t even my favorite parts!
The left hand page for each week begins with a Bible verse for the week, followed by a to-do list and a prayer and praise section. I love having a designated place to write prayer requests AND praise reports right in my planner.
On the right hand page of each week, the menu tab lines up with the days of the week for easy planning – perfect!
What you don’t see in the picture above are the monthly calendars that allow for big picture planning. Not many planners give you both.
Amy also has covers available for the organizers – good thing because mine get BEAT UP by the end of the year!
Now the best part of meeting Amy – other than getting to chat with her – was her willingness to offer TWO organizers as a giveaway for you readers!
So here we go!
To enter to win one of two Christian Family Organizers, you must leave a comment on this post answering this question…
What is your favorite feature of this particular organizer?

You can read more about this planner and Amy’s other fabulous products on her website.
A HUGE thank you to Amy for her generosity!
Happy organizing!
One comment per person please. Contest will close at 8:00 p.m. CDT on Monday, October 5th.