Every woman knows the feeling. Regardless of her age, her income, or her family situation, women today are facing the challenges of a busy life and the stress that comes with it. Obligations to children, husband, job, church, friends, committees, and the pressures of everyday life have created a spiritual crisis for women. Because in their efforts to be everything to everyone, women have forgotten the ONE who really should be their everything.

Do YOU know this feeling? I do. All the time.

I need reminders to just BE with Jesus often so I don’t neglect the most important of all my relationships. This week, that reminder came in a beautiful short film from a well-known pastor’s wife.

Be Still is a brand new film from Lisa Chan {wife of Francis Chan}, the first in a series entitled True Beauty. This 20-minute film is like listening to a girlfriend talk about how the busy of life has pushed out any time she once had for Jesus – and how she got that time back.

I was captivated by the storytelling from Lisa in this film because I felt like she was speaking my heart. The “busy” must wait. Stillness with our Maker is essential to our very survival as women, wives, mothers, and every other role we take on. I think this would be a fabulous discussion starter for a women’s group!

Take a minute to watch the trailer for this wonderful film…

I have one copy of the True Beauty: Be Still DVD to give away today!

To enter, just tell me what “be still” means to you!

This giveaway will be open until Tuesday, September 11 at 9:00 p.m. CST. One winner will be chosen at random and notified by email.


*A review copy of this DVD was made available for me online. I was not compensated in any other way for this post and all opinions are 100% my own.