Fabulous Friday

Wow! This IS a fabulous Friday because I am guest posting on THREE blogs today! Holy cow! Allow me to share? Thanks! #1 – The M.O.B Society is being featured on Gather Inspirit today! Check out what Brooke and I have to say about the beginnings of the M.O.B....

The Crossroads

  The crossroads between faith and parenting has been a hot topic in the blog and social media world lately. Moms and dads are raise up children who love the Lord and are hungry for advice and resources to help in that area. Include me in that list. This...

First Friday Friends

My mom has a group that meets the first Friday of every month called “First Friday Friends,” and since I am posting about friendship over at Gather Inspirit today, I thought it was only fitting to feature MY friends on this first Friday. The women with...

Gather Inspirit

I have had many women talk to me recently about starting a blog. Some are worried about the time it will take or that no one will be interested in what they are saying. Whatever it is, I sense hesitance from many of them.And maybe it’s because there isn’t...