Books and Bibles for Kids: July Edition!

Books and Bibles for Kids: July Edition!

Welcome to our monthly feature, “Books and Bibles for Kids!” I get so many great kids’ books and Bibles to review and I want you to know about some of our favorites each month! I hope you enjoy these new finds! I have included affiliate links below. When you purchase...
High Five Morning Routine for Kids

High Five Morning Routine for Kids

Two years ago, the lovely Laura Booz posted on her blog about her girls’ morning routine called the “High Five!” You can see my comment still on that original post where I said I was going to make my own for the boys right then. And I actually did!...
Day & Night Cookies

Day & Night Cookies

When Big J was three, I started doing some preschool at home with him, and we started off each day with a Bible story, beginning at the beginning! One particular day, we were talking about how God created day and night and focused on the colors black and white. He...

Hide and Seek Devotional {Giveaway!}

I have a lot of moms ask me about doing devotional time with preschool age children… They won’t sit still. They need variety. Just sitting down to read a story doesn’t work every day. How do I keep them interested?!?! I’ve found a great...

God Is Good To Me {And YOU!}: A Video and Giveaway!

We’ve had a lot going on in our lives right now {in case you couldn’t tell by the crickets chirping here at the blog}! Almost all of it has been wonderful, awesome stuff, but crazy schedules and many changes also come with a lot of stress. Several times a...

Little J’s Christmas Program

There are not many things cuter than a preschool Christmas program. Our preschool really knows how to do it – short and super sweet! These adorable kiddos were on stage for about fifteen minutes, and if you have preschoolers, you know that is the PERFECT length...