Day 17: I Don’t HAVE to… Post on the Blog Every Day!

Day 17: I Don’t HAVE to… Post on the Blog Every Day!

My 31 Days of NOT Having It All series was well planned out, but I did not write all of the posts ahead. Bad blogger, I know. When last week became very busy, I had to decide whether to cram in some hurried blog posts just to fill the 31 days OR be present in my...
In Between {Five Minute Friday}

In Between {Five Minute Friday}

It’s Five-Minute Friday with lovely Lisa-Jo! Set a timer and just write. Don’t worry about making it just right or not. For me? An exercise in letting go and letting words flow. Five minutes only. {yes, I do set a timer and it quacks like a duck at 5 minutes, which...


It’s been five years since I stopped teaching, five years since The Hubby started medical school, five years since I started blogging {in August}. And five years ago today, this handsome young man joined our family…  June 2008 June 2013 Little J, you have...

Getting My Spark Back

It’s not just because of winter. I’ve felt a little dull for a while now. Not dull as in boring, but dull as in not bright, not sharp. I used to be bubbly and optimistic and a total social butterfly. Yep, I’m the one who constantly got a check next...

My Word for 2013

Since giving up New Year’s resolutions and choosing a word of the year instead, I’ve come to love the start of a brand new year. Choosing a word of the year has always felt like a God-given focus instead of a pressure-filled standard to meet. The last...