This weekend, I ran a 78.7-mile relay with some of my best girlfriends. We had a little sleepover the night before {because we had to leave for the race at 5:30am!}, painted our nails with glitter, decorated the windows of our team van, put on sparkle skirts, and had a blast being a part of this hard, but super fun all-day race.
Team Sparkle!
Our team outfits were fun and cute, but they were tame in comparison to other teams who dressed as the whole cast of Toy Story or like punk rockers. The whole day was full of running, but it was also jam-packed with a bunch of adults acting crazy and silly and having the best time. {More on the relay coming soon – so much to share about it!}
And it got me thinking…
We don’t have to give up having fun when we grow up. Fun should not be lost because we are too busy pursuing money or careers or some other ideal. One of our goals in life should be to have more fun!
In my super stylish night running gear!
Last year, I notice myself feeling rather blah after a year of many changes and transitions and very little sleep. I wasn’t laughing nearly as much as I used to and I realized it was because I was so worried about all these things I SHOULD be doing. It was NOT fun. And I made a vow at the beginning of this year to celebrate more everyday.
I wore a green tutu for a race in March. The Hubby and I had a blast celebrating our ten year anniversary in Vegas. I’ve had dance parties in the kitchen with the boys and sang at the top of my lungs in the car. I learned how to make the yummiest homemade donuts. And I’ve enjoyed life a LOT more when I make sure there is a little laughter and fun in each day.
God and family and friends and work are all on our priority lists, but has fun edged its way in there at all? With all the unnecessary things and expectations we’re trying to remove from our lives this month, fun is one worth adding in.
What is one thing fun thing you have planned this week for YOU?