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The Hubby got me a DSLR camera a few years ago for Christmas. It is probably the best Christmas present he has ever given me. I use it all the time and am still having fun figuring out how to use it correctly.

But even before the DSLR came along, I had always loved taking pictures. And I adore looking back through the pictures as well.

Pictures capture memories. Pictures capture beauty. Pictures capture important people and special places in our lives.

I love my DSLR, maybe a little too much, but I think the accessibility of fancy, digital cameras to the average person has actually done us a disservice.

Take Perfect Pictures

Remember when we used to use film? We would snap a few pictures, having no idea how they would turn out, but just wanting to preserve a precious moment in time. We were usually just happy to have captured the moment. If the picture turned out well, that was icing on the cake!

Now, I know of people who don’t take pictures, even at their child’s birthday, because they won’t be as good as what so-and-so takes. I also know people who bought the expensive camera because that was what everyone else was doing and then the camera sat in its bag collecting dust because it was too overwhelming to learn and use.

I understand that some people just aren’t big into taking pictures, and that’s just fine. If you aren’t a picture taker and you don’t treasure memories in that way, I’m not talking to you! But holding back from snapping that shot because you aren’t a “good photographer” is just wrong.

You don’t HAVE to be a professional photographer to capture priceless memories. You don’t HAVE to have a DSLR to get the “perfect picture.” To me, the “perfect picture” has more to do with the moment that will be remembered for years to come than it does with the ISO or aperture or any of those technical terms.

Snap a pic with your smartphone. Get a nice little point-and-shoot to throw in your purse or diaper bag {We LOVE our little Canon Elph 300 HS!}. Just capture that memory and don’t let yourself get so obsessed with the “perfect shot” that you ruin the special moment!

Are you a picture person like me?