I am so thankful for safe options to trick-or-treating at Halloween. I am not real fond of going house to house to get candy from people I don’t know – maybe I’m paranoid but that’s just my opinion. We has two great alternatives to that this week.
On Tuesday, our doctor’s office hosted a trick-or-treat event for all the kids. All of the staff dressed up and we walked around the clinic getting candy from all of them. They also had a real live race car there for kids to look at and get in.
On Friday, our church hosted “Trunk-or-Treat” – an event held in the parking lot of the church in which people decorate the trunk of their car and hand out candy from there. I love the fact that we know all of the people and my toddler doesn’t have to walk very far to get all the candy he could need for the next year! It was also great to be surrounded by Christian messages and trunk decorations on what has turned into such a dark and creepy “holiday.” Inside the gym, there were games, food, door prizes and a costume contest. No prizes for costumes here – Joshua was one of four or five lions and Jeremiah was one of at least three football players – but Joshua did win a door prize!
Jeremiah and Zeke

Future Huskers!
One tired lion!