Our sweet, squishy, super-energetic and super-loving Little J turns six today.
Our confident, independent, way-too-old-already Big J left for three nights at church camp yesterday.
And Double J…well, he’s two, so…you know…
Excuse me while I have all the feelings today.
I’ve been floating around to different places on the web lately! You can check them out here:
The Making of an Affiliate Marketer – My podcast debut over at the Declare Conference!
Deep Breaths – one way I embrace motherhood in the middle of chaos at Thrive Moms
Sigh. I feel you girlfriend. Hope you’re enjoying your few days as mama-of-two. (That’s gotta be a little rest, right?)
You too? Kman turned 6 yesterday as well. As I looked through some photos to make a photo collage of him throughout the years, I cried. Where has this time gone? They say they grow up in the blink of an eye…I believe they are right.
They grow up too fast!