We’re taking on a new geography lesson this week and I thought you might like to join us!

This lesson is very easy, requires very little prep work, and will be a blessing to many children all over the world!

Sound good?!

Here is what you need:

*A globe or world map

*Your computer

*A notebook or piece of paper and pencil

That’s it!

And here’s what we will be doing if you want to follow our plan…

*Each day, click over to the Compassion Sponsor a Child page. On this page, you will find children from countries all over the world waiting to be sponsored.

*Pick the first four children on the list for that day and write down their names and their country. If you want, you can keep a running list for the week so you don’t repeat countries. Or you can just choose the first four each day and review a country if it repeats!

*Click on the “Learn More” link below each child’s picture to read about their family, daily life, special needs, and more.This will give you and you children great opportunity for discussion about living conditions in different parts of the world.

**Special note: Each time you refresh the Sponsor a Child page, the list will look different. You can remember the names and countries and try to find those children again OR you can read the “Learn More” about one child and then pick another one when you go back to the main Sponsor a Child page!

*Find the countries on the map or globe. Find where you live on the map or globe. Calculate the distance between your locations. Talk about continents or hemispheres or anything geographically appropriate to the age of your children!

*Pray for each child by name. Pray for their health, their family, their education, their faith, and most of all, for them to be sponsored.

This verse will be a central verse we pray to the Lord for these children AND for us as we strive to love others more like Jesus…

Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. ~Psalm 82:3-4

We have done this in a less structured format in the past and I have always been so blessed by the conversations it has opened up with my boys. It is so important for us to help them see outside of themselves and get a bigger picture of our world.

I hope you’ll join us!


And what if we share our prayer lists for each day here? I would love to know the names you are praying over each day with your children so we can lift them up as well! Just leave the name and country in the comments below each day this week! I will add ours as well!


While I’m not asking you to sponsor children in this post – just pray for them – if the Lord draws you to a certain child, won’t you consider sponsorship? Compassion Bloggers {including myself} are partnering together this month to raise awareness and see 3,108 children sponsored in September! Maybe one of those will be sponsored by you!


Would you consider sharing this post with your friends as well? Let’s gather our kids together, expand their worldview, and cover these precious children in prayer! I can’t wait to see what the Lord does! Tweet it, Facebook it, blog about it, Pin it – just link back to this post to let them know what we’re doing together!