Top Ten {Tuesday} I’m not going to lie: I am TIRED. I am CRABBY. This first trimester has been exhausting and I am not proud of how I have handled myself or treated my family.

{At least I can blame it on something, right?!}

I am trying hard to combat this now because an unhappy mama is not good for anyone in the family!

I desperately needed to find quotes and words to remind myself to snap out of the hormone-induced funk each day!


So here is what I am filling my heart and head with…

Top Ten Reminders I Give Myself Throughout the Day

1. Don’t take it out on the hubby. Or the children. Or anybody else.

2. “The Lord is the strength of my life.” ~Psalm 27:1 {Thank you for this post Ann!}

3. Remember…

Source: mb art studios via Erin M. {homewiththeboys} on Pinterest

4. “God has given us a will that is stronger than our emotions.” ~Patsy Clairmont

and a verse to go along with that…

5. “Take every thought captive to obey Christ.” ~2 Corinthians 10:5

6. It’s not about just being there…

Source: Groundwork via Erin M. {homewiththeboys} on Pinterest

7. “The intersection of tired and hungry can be a dangerous neighborhood.” ~tweet from my lovely friend Lisa-Jo that reminds me that small snacks throughout the day CAN help me steer clear of disasters, especially since I am ALWAYS tired!

8. Enjoy the learning process and…

Source: Teacher Feature via Erin M. {homewiththeboys} on Pinterest

9. Simple but perfect…

Source: We Heart It via Erin M. {homewiththeboys} on Pinterest

10. And starting every day this way…

“Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.” ~Psalm 5:3


What are you needing to remind yourself of throughout the day?

Head on over to ohAmanda’s lovely space for more Top Ten Tuesday posts today! Always a good time!