You already know about my #1 goal for 2015: to live life with more joy.

I know that is very general, but I work well with general goals. They give me direction and don’t feel like an expectation I can’t meet. Specific goals only motivate me when there is grace involved, which is why I love my friend Hayley’s monthly series, “Goals with Grace.”

I, like Hayley, need goals to keep me from get distracted and running off in a million different directions. My yearly goals are all somewhat broad, with the exception of the ones involving running. These goals, however, are easy for me to focus on and that is just what I need. I want goals that push me, but also encourage me at the same time.

I’ve also adopted a new philosophy when it comes to attacking my goals. I saw this quote on Instagram from my friends at Cross Training Couture and I am ALL ABOUT IT:

Instead of saying,-Lord, I don't know

“Lord, I can’t wait to see how YOU do this!” That phrase fills me with so much hope because it reminds me that none of this is accomplished in my own strength. It is only by His power and grace that I live and breathe and do anything, including reaching goals.

On to my list…


  1. Live with joy
  2. Fun + romance in marriage
  3. Time management + stewardship
  4. Whole body health
  5. Preparing the boys for move + transition
  6. Clean up + clean out
  7. Embrace ministry
  8. Love well

I changed the word “goals” to “focus” up there because that is a more accurate description of my list. This is what I’m focusing on and all of my monthly goals will come from the inspiration on this list.

My January goals look more specific than my yearly focus and that is intentional. I struggle with big, huge long-term goals and finishing them well, so I’ll stick to goals that I can tackle for a month. Short-term goals within a long-term focus – that’s my operating mode!


  • Read 1 book from my Joy Book List
  • 2 date nights with my man
  • Run 70+ miles, including a 10K PR
  • Drink 64oz+ of water each day
  • Set office hours for online work
  • 1 family game night a week

My trusty Day Designer is helping me stay on track with my schedule + to-do lists. It has been the best planner to help me break big goals in to manageable pieces and real daily action. I don’t know how I would function without it. And I’m working on establishing my healthy habits by tracking them with my Fitbit, particularly water intake.

So, this is what I’m thinking as we start the new year! I would love to know what goals you have for this year and/or this month! Share a few in the comments so we can encourage one another! 

And check out more amazing goal-setters on Hayley’s link-up!