I’ve read some wonderful posts lately declaring a word of the year to live by.

I absolutely ADORE this post about HOME.

As well as this one about SELF-DISCIPLINE.

But I can’t just steal their ideas for my 2010 word, even though I would like to…

So my word for 2010 is…


Not just making a list, but living them out. Every day. For all to see.

It’s not for show, but I want people to know by my actions where my priorities are.

I want my schedule during the day to reflect these priorities and for my family to reap the benefits from this.

And while I have several things that make my priority list, my main focus will be on these four…

1. God
2. My husband
3. My children
4. My home

In that order.

And that has meant a few changes for me.

I am spending more time in the Word – by myself and with the kiddos.

I am not opening my computer before noon.

I am saying no to more things outside my home.

I am playing more with my children.

I am enjoying my time at home much more.

I am getting a whole lot more done.

All good things. Great things.

I’ll need that whole self-discipline post to help me out as I tend to start things strong and finish weak (or not at all), but I know God will honor my daily decision to put Him first and my family next. I can do all things through Him, right?!

So here’s to PRIORITIES in 2010!

How about you? Word for the year? Resolutions? Please share!