About time for some laughter around here! Thanks to MckMama for hosting this carnival – it is too much fun!

It was not me who decided to not count calories yesterday because I didn’t feel like it. And it was not me who decided to eat whatever I wanted all day. Nope – I am more disciplined than that.

And it was not me who got a little giddy when I realized we had reached 75 followers here on the blog! I wouldn’t care about something like that. Or that one of my favorite bloggers is following me now and we chat like good friends vie e-mail and Twitter. Nope, not me. That would be lame.

Lastly, it was not me who started wishing for a little girl after making this hat for a friend’s daughter…

But it WAS me who quickly reminded myself how full my hands are right now and how I am totally good with waiting until medical school is over for more children!

Did you hear that God?!

I am perfectly happy making these for other people!

What didn’t you do this week? Feel free to confess here – we can all laugh about our imperfections together! Doesn’t that sound nice?