*Today is “my day” over at the Tommy Nelson blog! I {heart} Tommy Nelson SO much and consider it a privilege to write for their blog once a month. Today, I’m talking about school and motivation for our kiddos – please join me over there and leave your thoughts as well! AND I have a Hermie Extravaganza giveaway from Tommy Nelson going on right now – enter to win!

*My dear friend Brooke {co-founder of The MOB Society} is going through an incredibly difficult time right now. You can read more about it here, and then I ask that you lift her and her family up in prayer, especially this week.

*Writers across the blogosphere are planning 31 days of posts on certain topics in the month of October. I wasn’t going to do it, and then I was, and then the hubby and I had a brainstorming session and I changed my topic. I just need to make up my mind, but YOU have been on my heart and I want it to be 31 days that will bless YOU. Just know that YOU are on my heart as I plan this series…if it happens!

*We’ve been blessed to be a part of Samson’s life through Compassion sponsorship since last year around this time. Samson is five-year-old boy living in Tanzania and, even though we’ve never met, we love him dearly. I am excited to share more about our correspondence with him later this week! I will be offering a way for YOU to be a part of the sponsorship & a BIG Christmas present for him and his family! Please stay tuned!

*I didn’t sleep well last night, but I woke up ready to start the day with a good attitude and I feel…happy! Go figure! Praying that attitude lasts throughout the day…and week!

*And lastly, I wouldn’t say we’re “outdoorsy” people, but I sure do love experiencing nature with the boys {and beginning to count this week’s blessings}…

641. Father and son…

642. Yellow by God…

643. Discovering something in the water below…

644. Tadpoles feeding on algae in the pond…

645. Three generations hiking back up the trail…

And much more to count…

646. My crock pots {yes, I have two}.

647. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back!!!

648. Strolling the Target aisles with a friend.

649. Finding a maxi dress on clearance for $8 on the same shopping trip!

650. “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” ~1 Peter 4:8

651. TWO naps in ONE weekend!

652. The Blue Angels practicing for the air show RIGHT over our house Thursday and Friday!

653. New-to-us-furniture!

654. Sour cravings.

655. Large glasses of ice water – with lots of ice!

656. Watching football with my guys.

657. Late-night West Wing marathons with the hubs.

658. Powerful sermon series on S-E-X {yep, you read that right!} at our church the past few weeks. SO good.

659. This Eryn and her blog, especially this free printable for blessing your kiddos.

660. The verses and prayers in Warrior Prayers. This WILL change the way you pray for your sons. I promise. Click here to view more details and get started praying now. {A new accountability group started last week, but you can do this on your own or with friends – however you choose!}


What is on YOUR heart today?


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