This is not how I wanted the first week of this book club to go.

A brief rundown: flat tire, throwing up three-year-old, me in pain all night and throwing up, no sleep, van battery dies, pain for me doesn’t go away – suspected kidney stone.

I am not friends with this week at all.

So, although I have started reading Sally’s fabulous book, I am too tired to put together any coherent thoughts {forgive any typos you may catch, please?!} and will be leaving this week up to you…

I have been encouraged already through your excitement on Twitter and Facebook, and in real life, so I can’t wait to read your thoughts on the first chapter!

You may link up a post you’ve written about the first chapter or just leave a comment!

Thanks for being a part of this place of encouragement for homeschool mamas! I hope the book is already blessing you as it has me!

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