I don’t talk about him enough here.
We have a fourth boy we love in this household, but he’s not here with us.
Samson is WAY over there {as the boys would say} in Tanzania, but he is always close in our hearts.
We cheered for Tanzania as their six athletes walked in the Parade of Nations at the Opening Ceremonies. We colored their flag and listened to their national anthem and have watched every event possible just waiting for the flag of Tanzania to show up {which wasn’t very often!}.
{We’re sending this picture to Samson with our next letter!}
I love that my boys are becoming aware of other parts of the world through this, but even more so, they have discovered that not everyone lives the way we do.
In our last letter from Samson, he mentioned one of his favorite activities was getting water from the well. Big J instantly remembered our previous conversation about Samson’s water. “That’s how he helps his family because they don’t have water in the house!” he exclaimed. And then we had another opportunity to discuss what life is like for Samson – how completely different his life is from ours. And how he still seems so joyful despite the poverty he lives in.
That is why I want to talk about it more here as well. Just so you know. There are so many children living in poverty and they need a voice.
Compassion does such an amazing job partnering with bloggers to help children all over the world, both financially and with the love of Jesus. Bloggers aren’t more special than anyone else – we just have an audience already in place. And knowing what I know about the lives of these children, I know that I must share that there are ways you can help:
1. You can sponsor a child. $38 a month changes the life of a child, but it will totally change your life, too.
2. You can purchase an ad here on Home with the Boys to help sponsor Samson! All 125×125 sidebar ads are just $10 a month and all of that goes to our monthly sponsorship of Samson! Email me at homewiththeboys at gmail dot com for more info!
3. If you have a blog, you can blog about Compassion {like I’m doing right now}! The Compassion Bloggers website is all new and totally awesome. You can find all the resources and information you need to share Compassion with your readers, including stories and banners and links to other Compassion bloggers!
4. Pray for these children and for the ministry of Compassion! Sign up to be a prayer partner with Compassion and get updated prayer requests through email.
Can I just say one last thing? My posts about Samson and Compassion and the posts of other Compassion bloggers are not about guilt trips. It’s just a case of needing to share the information we have in order to help the “least of these.”
“Then those ‘sheep’ are going to say, ‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’ -Matthew 25:37-40 {The Message}
Do what YOU can when YOU can, but be open to God calling you to step out and make a difference for one {or more} of these beautiful children. I had been reading Compassion blogger trip posts for a long time and felt very moved, but we didn’t start sponsoring Samson until we knew it was the right time for US. In the meantime, I prayed. And God moves mightily in those times.
Now, if you already sponsor a child or have decided to sponsor one today, you MUST go check out “Impress Your Sponsored Kids,” a monthly post and link-up over at Impress Your Kids, for amazing ideas of how to bless your sponsored child!
Do you already sponsor a child? Are you praying for a way to make it happen? I would love to hear your stories about Compassion as well!