Counting my blessings along with the Outdoor Wife today (and rejoicing that I will get to hug her in exactly one week!)…




I made brief mention of my latest sponsorship for the Relevant Conference yesterday. Yes, the lovely people at Lands’ End graciously sent me two SUH-WEET pairs of boots and two fabulous sweaters to wear to the conference. I honestly wore one pair of the boots ALL. DAY. yesterday because I love them so much.

But what I really wanted to tell you about today is why I am thankful for Lands’ End. OTHER THAN their adorable boots.

I love companies that take on projects to make a difference in the community – to do something bigger than just business.

And in this case, it’s a campaign called FeelGood. Here is more about it from the Warm Up America Foundation


Warm Up America is delighted to partner with Lands’ End to provide families in need with warm hand knitted and crocheted blankets this fall and winter. This is the second year that Lands’ End has conducted its FeelGood Campaign, which provides a way to feel good about shoppping and giving this fall. For every Lands’ End FeelGood sweater purchased, the company will donate signature FeelGood yarn to Warm Up America. Working with volunteers from The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA), the Crochet Guild of America (CGOA) and the Helping Hands Foundation, which sponsors the Needle Arts Mentoring Program (HHF), Warm Up America expects approximately 64,000 7″ by 9″ sections to be completed which will be joined together to make more than 1,500 afghans.


Isn’t that wonderful?!

I was drawn to this for two reasons: #1 – I love Lands’ End sweaters – super warm and comfy; #2 – I love to knit and crochet!

And I love to see people using their talents for those less fortunate than themselves! THAT is something for which to be thankful!

Before I leave for Relevant, I will touch on this wonderful project again, but right now I want to know who is (or would be willing to) bringing their knitting needles or crochet hooks to Relevant?! Would you leave me a comment to let me know, pretty please?! Thanks!

So what else am I thankful for this week?

11. Grace. Abundant grace.

12. Football season in all its glory.

13.  Beautiful, encouraging, challenging words from our MOPS speaker.

14. Precious dimples on those smiling faces.

15. Hearing our boys’ voices lifted in prayer.

16. Hearing our boys’ voices lifted in worship.

17. The rescue of the miners in Chile and the testimony of God’s faithfulness to the whole world watching.

18. Accountability.

19. Chores. (Trust me, I AM thankful for them!)

20. Boots. Gorgeous new boots.



Count along with us – what are YOU thankful for today?



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