He’s a husband, father, med student and guest poster – welcome The Hubby once again! And he’s talking about – talking!
Do you ever watch your children and wonder if a behavior is from you or from your spouse?
When Big J lines up his cars in a perfectly straight line, or wants all his shoes to be organized in his closet – clearly, that is from me, his daddy.
But when he sits at the table, taking nearly 90 minutes to eat a meal – that is NOT from me.
It’s not because it’s hard to chew, or he has an enormous appetite. It’s because before, during (sometimes twice), and after each bite, he has something to say.
He loves to talk. And talk. And talk. I know, 4-year-olds are supposed to be inquisitive. I’m cool with that.
But this is not just inquisitive. It is non-stop. The boy just loves to talk.
At church. At the store. During dinner. At bedtime. While going to the bathroom.
One time he talked so much during dinner that he had to take TWO potty breaks before he could complete his meal.
Now I know I shouldn’t just blame this on my wife.
But she admits to it. Her grandparents PAID her as a child when she would get a report card that DIDN’T say “talks too much in class.” So yes, it’s from her.
This is manifested any time we go to a social function. If I don’t know people, I stick close to her. If she doesn’t know people, she will by the end of the night.
I joke that she could have a conversation with a doorknob. It’s one of the many great things about her.
Big J, I’m happy that you are taking after your mom.
Just please try to cut your eating time in half.
90 minute meals are just too long.
Are your children talkers?
On more than one occasion when a meal has stretched on way too long we’ve had to forbid talking. It sounds mean, but for goodness sake, if they don’t finish it will be time for the next one!
Love this!! =)
Ummm, I don’t know where she gets it from, but Naomi already has A LOT to say, even if I can’t understand 98% of what she’s saying. I can tell by her facial expressions whether she is arguing, asking, sharing something funny or just babbling. I must say its pretty darn cute, although I think Reuben is a little worried to have TWO big talkers in the house. I don’t know who the other one is…
I love it. I too have a talker…Anna, talks nonstop! She hardly eats a thing due to the incessant talking. It is clear where it comes from…not Kevin, but his side of the family. His mom and brother are both talkers! Aaron just ends up repeating what Anna says!!
LOL!! My husband would agree that I am also a talker! I definitely have children who take after me on that!
I would never make it in your house. 🙂 I love quiet. My friends with kids no when not to invite me.
Some places I understand there will be noise like a party but at the table I need some quiet times.
He sounds adorable.
Found you through the Twitter Party Hop and I now follow you.
My girls talk non-stop too– so you are not alone. Easton sometimes makes a loud humming type noise to tune them out…I don’t blame him. I also have a slow eater and have started setting the timer if she is on the slow track and if she doesn’t get done with her meal, she doesn’t get a snack…seems to be working ok so far.
Tristan CAN be a talker….jabber jabber jabber jabber. But he has quiet moments too. Isaac just yells a lot it seems LOL but considering his only word is “mommommommommommommom” that’s ok LOL
And Erin is a talker but in the best possible way. She makes you feel like you’ve known her for years when you’ve just met her. 🙂 She has a great heart.
I think my husband could have written this post, though im sure he would have to mention how much worse it is being the father of four girls.
We have had to put rules up the dinner table due to many cold meals x
Hi Erin! I came over here from Gypsy Mama! So glad that I did! Looks like we have boys that are just about the same age. I have a 3 yo and 20 month old… and a 7 year old daughter too. Lover of God and life! I’d love to have you come by and visit my blog! Have a great night!
Clearly, our sons would be great friends. I actually think my son talks more than either of my girls!