The Yancy and Disciples Cross giveaway winner is Julie! Congrats to you! Fun stuff coming your way!


Really, I am quite amazed, and often delighted, at the things our boys dream up.

Start with a cowboy hat.

Summer 2010 008

Add couch arm horses & pillow saddles – you have a couple cowboys for the day!

Summer 2010 002Summer 2010 004

If not a cowboy, how about a daring superhero, plotting his next move to take down the bad guys with his trusty cape?

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Or dreaming of fighting fires while wearing great-grandpa’s real fireman gear.

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In the imagination of my boy, I see courage, bravery and adventure – all things God designed to be a part of him.

As I watch that mind at work, I pray that God will use that imagination and everything that comes along with it, for His glory.

Summer 2010 015 

And I smile.


Does your imaginative child love hats as much as mine does?

If so, you will be pumped about this blogiversary giveaway!

The talented people at Mimi’s Babies come up with the most adorable hats for little ones, and while their girl hats are extremely popular, their hats for boys are equally awesome! And Mimi’s Babies is one of our fabulous sponsors, helping us sponsor our Compassion child!

Today we are giving away one of their unique, CUTE monkey hats for a boy:

boy funky monkey hat

OR a girl:

girl monkey hat

AHHH!!! I WANT ONE!!! And I bet you do, too!

How to enter, you ask?

Well, just answer this:

What imaginative activity have you caught your child – or any child – doing lately?

And we’ll throw in a few extra entries – for fun 🙂

*Visit Mimi’s Babies Etsy store and tell us another product your adore!

*Follow @mimisbabiesetsy on Twitter

*Like Mimi’s Babies on Facebook

*Tweet about this giveaway

*Post about this giveaway on Facebook

Hurry – you only have until midnight TONIGHT to enter!

Only two more days of giveaways left to celebrate our 2-year blogiversay! Make sure you subscribe (feed or e-mail) so you don’t miss a thing!