1. I know the winner of the $10 Toys R Us gift card from The Boy’s Store for linking up to Boys in Motion is…

Anne from Lessons Thru Life!

Congrats Anne and please email me your mailing address at erin {at} homewiththeboys {dot} net so we can get that right out to you!

2. I know we’re having a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas Eve! We’re so excited! I’ll be sharing more about our birthday party for Jesus Wednesday at the MOB Society and you can link-up your favorite Christmas traditions over there as well!

3. I know this week is all about family…

Which means I may be quite absent from here. I will enjoy every minute of it and will be thinking about how to make this type of family time a priority all year round…

4. I know I am praying this week finds you wrapped in wonderful moments with your family, celebrating the arrival of our Savior here on earth!


What do you know about your week ahead?