It’s been a little silent around here this week because we’ve been on a little adventure!

The hubby had a couple of residency interviews in Iowa this week, so we headed out with him!

The trip was quick and packed full, but the boys were thrilled by the littlest things…

Obviously, there was swimming. These boys are a couple of fish.

We don’t do hotels much – can you tell?!

Bedtime story with Daddy…

and a little homeschool in the hotel. Apparently, everything seems new when you’re at a hotel!

While the hubby was interviewing one day, the boys and I were able to visit his grandparents!

Such fun for the boys to see them! {Little J had never met them and Big J wasn’t even two the last time he saw them!} They were fascinated with Great-Grandpa’s marble collection and wood carvings!

And there was one more thing that put big smiles on ALL of our faces…

Oh yes, we did.

We ate {chicken nuggets}, drank {lemonade & a peppermint chocolate chip shake} and were very merry…

Chick-fil-A is the key to happiness. Yes it is.

Interviews went well, we had lots of family time and the trip was a success!

We also had a fabulous Thanksgiving and day after, but those pics can wait for tomorrow!

For now, I’m going to get back into the swing of things at home – and help Little J get better from an eye infection, ear infection and strep throat! He is one tough guy!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!