Two words for you today:

Date. Night.

Two more words:

Do. It.

It doesn’t matter what or where or when, just set one up, get out, and enjoy yourselves!

Disclaimer: I know it’s not always easy to make this happen. We’ve been in that place – we’re in that place now. New town. Strange work hours. No babysitter. But we know we just HAVE to find a way.

Tonight, the kids are camping with Grandma and Grandpa, and the baby is coming with us for a date night at our favorite restaurant. Having one kid {that doesn’t talk} with us is better than not having a date at all!

Here’s the deal: We could all use some fresh ideas in this area and some inspiration on how to make dates happen in unusual or difficult circumstances, so share your favorite date night ideas in the comments today!

And I pray you get to go on those dates very soon!


Family Tie #26: Make a date night happen ASAP! If possible, set up a regular date night – weekly, monthly, whatever works – and put it on the calendar now! Don’t let your honeymoon be the last time you got out and had some fun together! {Yes, that picture is us on our honeymoon!}


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