By the grace of God, almost eight years ago, I met a woman at a church women’s conference who was looking for a mentoring relationship. I was looking for a mentor. We’ve ended up as great friends.

In hanging out with her and learning from her wisdom {which she claimed to have very little of – but I beg to differ!}, I remember one conversation quite vividly.

The hubby and I were playing pitch with her and her hubby at their kitchen table. The phrase “sphere of influence” was mentioned. It was an interesting phrase to me that I had not pondered before, but this friend explained how God surrounds us with this sphere.

My mentor-turned-friend and I at Women of Faith this year!

Our sphere of influence is not a vanity thing in any way {at least it shouldn’t be}. It is the people He wants us to have an impact on for Him, and, whether we like it or not, we have some sort of influence on their lives – good or bad.

That conversation was years ago, but I think of it often. It is an overwhelming thing to ponder, but just think of the good that could be done if we all considered our sphere of influence and intentionally worked for the good!

Titus 2 is a chapter of the Bible that is close to my heart. I feel very strongly about the role of more mature women in training up younger women, not just in how to raise a family and be a good wife, but in how to walk with Jesus as a woman and simply how to be a woman!

Today and next Saturday, we’re talking about influence here at 31 Days of All Things Woman. I would love for you to consider throughout this what YOUR influence is on others – and yes, you do influence others. You do.

This week, I’m sharing the women online who influence me to be a better woman in some way – as a friend, a mom, a sister, a wife – whatever!

Would you share YOUR list in the comments today as well?

A partial list of the women online who influence me…

*As a wife – Courtney {Women Living Well}, Darlene {Time-Warp Wife}

*As a mom – Sally Clarkson {I Take Joy}, Kat {Inspired to Action}

*As a Christian – Sarah Mae {Like a Warm Cup of Coffee}, Eryn {Mama Hall}

*As a friend, sister, daughter and woman in general – the whole crew at (in)courage


Next week, I would love for us to all share the woman or women in our “real” lives who influence us!

If you blog, write a post sometime this week or next and link it up to NEXT Saturday’s post. If you don’t blog, just leave a comment that day! And I think that day might deserve a giveaway as well 🙂


Now it’s your turn – share the women online who influence you in wonderful ways!