It’s Monday. Oh yes, it is.

Even though the work of a parent doesn’t take a break for the weekend, there’s just something about Mondays that can pile on the chaos.

Ok, it’s not just Mondays.

Stressful days can pop up any {or every} day of the week, especially in the midst of children and jobs and housework and activities and…and…and…

Just thinking about it is stressing me out!

A stressful day is never so far gone that it can’t be salvaged by Our Heavenly Father. We need only stop, drop to our knees, and pray for His peace and strength in the midst of our crazy.

In her amazing book, Parenting from the Overflow {which re-releases today!!!}, my good friend Teri Lynne share so much wisdom about how our own relationship with the Lord impacts our parenting and family dynamics. It is SO good, and I would really like to quote the whole book here, but I will just share this nugget that relates directly to the importance of prayer:

Parenting from the overflow understands the urgency of Paul’s admonition to “Pray without ceasing” {1 Thessalonians 5:17}. And parenting from the overflow also understands prayer is just as important during moments of chaos as it is during naptime.

Praying during morning quiet time is wonderful and a great way to start the day, but it’s just not enough, at least for me, and probably not for you either!

By blessing us with children, God has called us to be parents.

To do anything that God has called us to do, we need His Holy Spirit. There is just no substitute.

For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power. ~1 Corinthians 4:20

I am a weak, impatient, ineffective parent without the Holy Spirit, yet for some reason, I still try to plow through the day on my own. No wonder I am exhausted and frustrated by the end of the day!

God knew I needed a reminder about Holy Spirit’s power and how it is supposed to work in my life. I was going to write this post yesterday. He led me to write about hurry instead. And then the sermon at church was all about the Holy Spirit.

I hear you, God!

My family needs me to be tuned into and filled up with the Holy Spirit as we go about our day. I need more of what the Bible promises the Holy Spirit will provide for me…

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. ~2 Timothy 1:7

I could definitely use more power, love, and self-discipline as a parent, and I’m willing to ask for it multiple times a day!

So here’s the plan: less stressing out, more crying out to God. Less self-sufficiency, more dependence on Him. Less striving & failing, more praying!

Today, I am “asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do” {2 Thessalonians 1:11}.

And I pray that you will take the time in the middle of each day to ask God for these things as well!


Family Tie #8:  Pray throughout the day! Ask the Holy Spirit to equip you for whatever you are facing and for what may come. Don’t do this parenting thing on your own! If you need a reminder, set alarms on your phone or computer for the times of day that are usually most difficult that just say “PRAY!” And every time you pray, thank God for the blessing of your family!


To keep up with this 31 Days series, you can sign up to get each post sent right to your inbox for FREE! I will also link to them at the bottom of this post as they go live!


We’re celebrating the release of Parenting from the Overflow by my dear friend Teri Lynne today! This wonderful book will encourage your heart so much as you walk the journey of parenthood!

You can buy the PDF version for just $5 or the print version for just $8!

*I was given a review copy of this book. I was not compensated in any other way for this post and all opinions are 100% my own!

**This post contains affiliate links.