Countless studies have proven a direct link between music and mood.

I’m not going to give you a bunch of statistics and no scientific studies have been conducted in our home on this subject, but I can tell you from astute observation: everything is better in this house with the right music.

The other night, I folded laundry with Pride & Prejudice {the Keira Knightley version} as my pleasant distraction. After a very long day, the piano music at the beginning transported me to a peaceful place and I tweeted…

I immediately received several responses agreeing wholeheartedly with me, further solidifying my view that music really is a game-changer when it comes to mood and atmosphere.

Of course, different music has different effects, so you must use this powerful tool carefully in your home, but used correctly, music can help bring your family closer together.

A few ideas to try this weekend:

*Start your morning with a lit candle and calm, classical music. I prefer piano music right away in the morning, such as Debussy or Beethoven. I also love David Nevue’s Adoration: Solo Piano Hymns. The boys also enjoy having classical music on while they do their schoolwork!

*Put on some upbeat music while everyone does a few chores! Fun music lightens the mood and makes the work go faster. Confession: The Journey Pandora station is one of my favorites for cleaning the house. If the kids are joining in, try the The Rizers: Rise Up, one of their two albums full of Scripture set to rock music!

*Worship music is great to have on any time of day!

*Try a pre-dinner dance party with the kiddos! I think the hours from 4:00 p.m. until bedtime are some of the hardest on parents. It’s the end of a long day, dinner has to be made, tensions can run high – but music can change everyone’s mood! I’ve done this before while I have food in the oven and we laughed and enjoyed ourselves so much!

*Make music for or with each other! If someone in the family plays an instrument, enjoy a little concert from them!

Find music that fits your family and improves your home atmosphere, then have fun with it!


Family tie #5: Pinpoint a stressful part of the day for your family and find a way to incorporate music to ease the tension! Try one of the ideas above or share in the comments your favorite way to enjoy music with your family! What music does your whole family love?


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