Source: via Erin on Pinterest
What makes YOU happy?
I think it’s worth EACH of us exploring today – not what USED to make you happy, but what really makes you happy NOW. When was the last time you really thought about it?
Take some time, think it over, and then share with us!
I hope you’re enjoying this series so far – we’re only one week in so there is still a LOT to go! Thanks for sticking around and chiming in!
Riding my bike, cooking for my family, reading to my kids, up early in the morning with a hot cup of coffee.
Being at home with my kids teaching them, having writer friends like you, the beautiful weather we are having in the mountains, having my children accept Jesus as their personal Savior!! All I can say is God is so good!! He has blessed me so much!
I really like this question…something to definitely think about….I immediately started to answer with what used to make me happy…
But now- Being outside with my boys, early bedtimes (for me), my quiet mornings.
Church services. beautiful fall days. Spending time outdoors (which is odd because I’ve always been indoorsy). Running (!!!). When my husband does the dishes. When my kids share with one another and hug or hold hands. Watching The Wonder Years. Runner’s World magazine. Dresses. Hair cuts. Waking up to the sun rather than the alarm. Clean toilets. Snail mail.
Unscheduled days away from home and distractions. I am thinking of the feeling I get when our family usually stays in a hotel near MOA each year. Where we eat free breakfast I don’t have to make, we can walk acorss the street to the mall and explore all day, not spending money just walking and playing and seeing, then heading back for swimming, and naptime, dinner out someplace new and different we don’t have around here. AND a little bit of shopping. Happy times. No laundry, no phonecalls, no projects, no assignments, no deadlines or places we have to rush to.
I am also happy when I get to spend time alone in a quiet place in God’s creatiton, with my guitar, notebook and voice recorder, on a beautful day. And I hear nothing but quiet, and the stuff the Spirit decides to send to my instrument, and my mind. No one around to judge, hear, or need me for something. That doesn’t happen near enough.
I also enjoy long car trips alone with my husband where we actually get to talk and talk and talk until we run out of things to talk about. That usually takes a few hours to get caught up on all the things we never have time to say.
What make me happy…my husband and kids. Our church. My parents. Being able and willing to home school our kids. Friends that I can lean on. The YMCA pool. Library books. Meal schedules. Football games on Saturdays so I can grocery shop without all of the kids. Helpful kids. Happy babies. A clean house.
This is a great quote and a great question for me to ponder. Kisses from my husband, time to read, cooking in my kitchen, saving money at the grocery store, beautiful Fall leaves, singing a good hymn at church, a hug from my students…to name a few!
On Mother’s Day, my husband and two small boys composed and recorded a song for me entitled, “My Mom’s the best!”. It makes me happy every time it plays on the iPod, listening to their little voices and Ez’s lisp. My heart feels like it could nearly bust from joy, knowing they all love me so.