Last weekend, 4000+ mothers of preschoolers gathered at the Gaylord Opryland for MOPS Convention 2009. I was blessed to be there along with these two lovely ladies…
It was an amazing weekend of conversation, concerts, powerful messages and connecting with moms form all over the country.
Here is the connection point for all the Nebraska and Iowa moms – love the popcorn theme 🙂
We met incredible artists and authors, including the author of our MOPS theme book for this year, “Life on Planet Mom.” She was so gracious and engaging despite fighting off the sickness being spread across the country right now! What a trooper!
Our surroundings at the “hotel” – way too big to be classified as a hotel! – were gorgeous and you would really never have to leave to have a good time or find something to do!
And then there were the moms – they were EVERYWHERE! So fun!
And even though we could have stayed entertained at the hotel, the three of us did head downtown the last night for a little food and music!
Stacy and I even did a little line dancing here at the Wild Horse! What a huge place!
And then it was time to head back to our families – to our supportive husbands who watched the kiddos while we were gone and to our angel children who wanted to give huge hugs and tell us everything that happened while we were gone.
And my mind is still putting together all of the messages I heard, encouragement I received, challenges I was given. But here is what sticks with me right now…
*”Tell them I love them. Tell them I love ALL of them.” – God wants everyone to know His love for them.
* “No mom alone” – There is no point in a woman’s life when she is more open to Jesus than when she becomes a mother. Bring moms together to show them the love of Jesus.
*”I am enough.” – I’m not too much or too little. I am enough because Jesus is MORE than enough.
And our biggest takeaway from the weekend…
*”Be still.” To put it in clearer terms, “shut up.” Slow down and listen to God. Stop doing and just BE.
Thank you Jesus for an amazing weekend and beautiful women to share it with. Help all moms to know this type of love and connection. Especially with You.