After a very eventful (but not at all stressful) Day 1, we were ready for a relaxing Day 2. So we rented a boat. No, not a sailboat. There was a race going on that day – just cool to look at. We rented a nice roomy deck boat. Here is our captain for the day, J…
And his lovely wife, C…
J (yes, there were three men with the first initial “J” this weekend) and his wife M…
Lovely couple #3 – D & J…
What a stud. Love you honey.
The weather was gorgeous so most of us just jumped right in. It was cold. But it felt good.
Do you like our life jacket diapers?
I don’t care how they looked, they were handy.
C was the first to hit the waves. And I mean really hit the waves. It was VERY choppy out but she rocked those skis.
The Hubby also went out on the skis – still pretty darn choppy. Not ideal for skiing. But he was awesome – especially since it had been three or four years!
Doesn’t this look like an ad for the boat company?