I was inspired by my friend Mindee to look back at this year of blogging and it was a good one, in many, many ways. (And I’ll probably forget many things along the way – but oh well, here goes…)
First, a few stats…
*In 2010, we had 25,426 visits by 11,448 visitors from 101 different countries & territories, including all 50 states! I don’t have last year’s stats handy, but I do know this is a huge jump! Very exciting!
*We’re almost at 300 subscribers to the blog – that is so overwhelming to me! (If you haven’t subscribed yet, it is super easy – just click here!)
*We started a Facebook page this year and have built up to 178 fans so far! Thank you!
And the top posts of the year were very interesting to me…
#5 and #4 were both “What I Wore” posts! I’m glad it’s fun for me AND you as well! WIWW will definitely continue in 2011!
#3 – Advent with the Jesus Storybook Bible – One of my favorite things we did with the boys all year!
#2 – A fabulous guest post by the hubby about A Day in the Life of a Med School Student! So proud of him and thankful he supports and enjoys this whole blogging craziness.
#1 – For Every Mother of Boys – This was the post that started it all with the MOB Society. I am so humbled by where God has taken this project and is leading us in the future.
Other wonderful highlights from the year…
*Because of this blog and our wonderful advertisers, we were able to start sponsoring our first Compassion child – a sweet four-year-old boy from Tanzania named Samson. We received our first letter back from him in November, complete with precious drawings. It was priceless. Also priceless is the number of times Big J asks when we can go visit Samson in Tanzania. It has been an amazing experience so far and I know that it will only get better as we correspond back and forth. We are so grateful to be part of his life.
*I attended an incredible Christian “blogging” conference – and I say “blogging” because it was more like a women’s retreat with a bunch of bloggers. The Relevant Conference changed the way I blogged, but more importantly it shook the way I live and put my priorities right back where they should be. What an opportunity for me! AND I’ll be going in 2011, thanks once again to Seeds Family Worship! I cannot wait!
*Besides the MOB Society starting up, the Boys in Motion link-up has also started to take off. It is so fun to share the joys of boys through photos with other moms!
Most of all, I have been blessed and encouraged by each and everyone of you this year. Your kind words and sharing of your life with us is a beautiful addition to OUR life.
Thank you for spending time here at Home with the Boys! May you and your family receive God’s richest blessings in 2011!
and I might do 1 or 2 WiWW things, too, maybe. If I ever decide to put an outfit together again. I did a few times this month and it fun, but draining.
Love to see what God is doing here Erin! So glad to have met you!
Have a Happy New Year!