Putting the kids to bed often leaves me one of two ways…

1. Frustrated and emotional.

2. Sentimental and emotional.

I’m a woman. I get emotional.

Frustrated and emotional is usually because I am in a selfish frame of mind – I want to relax, spend time with the hubby, and watch some TV, so I get snippy at any little blip in the bedtime routine.

But this weekend was much more of the latter, and again, it was all about MY frame of mind more than anything.

Little J goes to bed before Big J, so while the older was occupied, the younger and I sat on his bed and read several books, just the two of us.

“Just one more book” meant more snuggles so I didn’t mind one bit.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Snuggle Puppy. ABC Look at Me.

And then it was his bedtime.

I felt all warm and fuzzy. I think he did, too.

So I grabbed a few more books, found Big J, and we snuggled up on the couch. Such fun to share the wonder of a tall tale retold by Steven Kellogg to a wide-eyed boy looking for adventure, and follow that up with a book about a boy – several boys, in fact – that helped change the world.

Questions. Discussions. Giggles. Snuggles.

Blessed bedtimes.

And many more to come, if I can just keep these memories in my head and heart to remind me of the joy of that right frame of mind at bedtime…


Counting these glorious blessings…

261. Teaching the power of polite words.

262. Earlier bedtime. (for me!)

263. Time to organize.

264. Discovering old favorites in a big pile of books.

265. Strolling the aisles of Target with the whole fam.

266. NOT spending a small fortune while doing #265.

267. Cadbury Mini Milk Chocolate Eggs. (LOVE the crunchy shell!)

268. Hearing Big J read Scripture out loud from the Bible. {heart melting}

269. My little lions.

270. The hubs giving me time for a long nap.

271. Sunday morning corporate worship.

272. Being on time for Sunday morning worship.

273. “I’ll stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all.”

274. Reliving teaching memories while looking through tubs of materials.

275. Fitness and food tracking websites and apps – so handy!

276. Generous donors for our upcoming MOPS Silent Auction.

277. Those with a heart for teaching/showing the beauty in modesty.

278. “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” ~James 3:17

279. Visiting Big J’s preschool teacher and her new baby.

280. Revisiting Psalm 62:1-2 this week for our Seeds Family Worship Verse of the Week.


I have found new blessings at bedtime – what time of day makes you feel the most blessed?