Review: My Numbers for the Learning Toddler

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by Punflay for this review. My Numbers for the Learning Toddler Info from the company: Punflay introduces My Numbers to help your preschool kid master numbers from 1-10 using objects in an innovative and engaging...

Review: Reno Rose Nurf

Did you read that title and think “Huh?” Here is a little more explanation. From the Reno Rose website: No more hauling a bulky sweater or jacket to go to a fancy dinner at the chilly restaurant! You don’t have to feel frumpy trying to nurse your...

CoverMate Covers: Review and Giveaway

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by CoverMate, Inc. for this review and giveaway. I normally wouldn’t do a review and giveaway in this category, but I signed up for one reason: I HATE saran wrap. So the thought of plastic covers that...

Review: The Handmade Marketplace

The Handmade MarketplaceBy: Kari ChapinFrom: Storey PublishingRetail: $14.95Disclaimer: Mama Buzz and reviewers received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposesTurn your craft into a successful business! Even the most expert crafters may find it...

Review: Words that Rhyme with Orange

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by Ross King for this review.Words that Rhyme with Orange, Music CD for children Age Group This Book/Product is for: 2-12Put out by: Ross King of Ross King MusicPrice: $12.00Buy Cd and listen to a samplePurchase at...

Potluck Survival Guide

This is a Mama Buzz review. The product was provided by:Five Star Publications for this review.Potluck Survival Guide by Cherie KimmonsPrice: $18.96, regularly $24.95 – go here to orderI love cookbooks.No, I really LOVE cookbooks.I know I can find millions of...