Weekend Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots

We packed a whole lot in to this wonderful weekend, so get ready for some photo overload in this week’s Weekend Snapshots! Our weekend was spent in South Dakota with family starting with a little time in Brookings… I’ve been going to Nick’s...
The Day We Became We & 11 Years Later

The Day We Became We & 11 Years Later

This post is part of the “Love is Everyday” campaign and contest with Personal Creations. I’m not going to lie. As I’m typing this, I’m watching another sappy Hallmark Channel Valentine’s Day movie. I’m a sucker for a...
6 Ways to Show Your Husband Respect {Guest Post}

6 Ways to Show Your Husband Respect {Guest Post}

Today we have a guest post from Darlene Schacht, also known as The Time-Warp Wife! I love her commitment to encouraging women in their marriages and she has a new book on that very topic! I can’t wait for you to read her words today AND enter the giveaway at the...
Personal Bests

Personal Bests

I approached my last race weekend without a clear goal. After having run a sub-2:00 half marathon in the fall, I wanted to pace a friend for their own personal half goal, but that plan fell through and I was left running the half by myself and not really sure of my...
The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Sale!

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Sale!

How does $698 worth of amazing ebooks on the topics of motherhood, homemaking, faith, marriage, homeschool, health + wellness, financial stewardship, pregnancy, holidays, self-care, working from home, and more for just $29.97 sound to you?! And how about $200 worth of...
He Likes It When I’m Clingy

He Likes It When I’m Clingy

First things first… HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! Moving on… Before The Hubby and I started dating, I was seeing the guy who live across the hall for a short time {I only ever dated three guys in my life. These two just happened to live on the same floor...