Avoiding the Holiday Hangover

Avoiding the Holiday Hangover

I have included affiliate and referral links below. When you purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting this site and our sponsorship of our Compassion child, Samson! We all know the holiday hustle and bustle well. The...
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode!

Say Goodbye to Survival Mode!

I have included affiliate links below. When you purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting this site and our sponsorship of our Compassion child, Samson! My focus this year is on vitality. In all areas of life. No longer...
Day 2: What Does “Having It All” Look Like?

Day 2: What Does “Having It All” Look Like?

So many of the thoughts associated with “having” it all have to do with appearances. And isn’t that how we tend to judge things? We see something and take it at face value, never bothering to investigate any further. We are really living our lives...
Day 1: What Does “Having It All” Mean?

Day 1: What Does “Having It All” Mean?

Having it all. Such an interesting concept. What does it really mean? The meaning of “having it all” depends on who you are. When I asked you, my lovely readers, to do a little word association with “having it all,” here were some of the...
The Best Meal Planning Tool I’ve Ever Used!

The Best Meal Planning Tool I’ve Ever Used!

This is NOT a paid review. I just LOVE this so much, I HAD to tell you about it! I have included affiliate links below. When you purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting this site and our sponsorship of our Compassion...
High Five Morning Routine for Kids

High Five Morning Routine for Kids

Two years ago, the lovely Laura Booz posted on her blog about her girls’ morning routine called the “High Five!” You can see my comment still on that original post where I said I was going to make my own for the boys right then. And I actually did!...