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My sweet friend and mentor, Teri Lynne, calls it lopsided living. I love that term.

It really isn’t about balance. It’s about determining what is important in the here and now and doing that well.

You don’t HAVE to live a balanced life, friend. If you ask me, the thing people call a “balanced” life is more of a juggling act. The juggling act can look flashy and fun and exciting, but most often, it is stressful and the juggler is worrying about what will drop first. If you are juggling things you don’t HAVE to do along with the essentials of your life, who knows what will fall.

Hold on tightly and fight hard for the things that matter right now. Let the other things fall away.

Learn from someone wise like I did and do a little lopsided living.


This post is part of the series, 31 Days of NOT Having It All. You can find the rest of the posts in this series here!