Raising up godly children is a long-distance race. Long-distance runners pace themselves, knowing they will need to reserve energy for the whole length of the race. It is no different in our own lives as mothers. ~Sally Clarkson

I’ve been waiting for this day for several months now.

The most important book I read on motherhood last year {one of the most important I’ve ever read} is finally being released!

Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe is based on two subjects I feel very passionate about – motherhood and mentoring. Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson, two dear friends of mine, share encouragement for every mom through their own mentoring relationship in this beautiful book.

As I read this book last fall, I did a lot of nodding in agreement, a lot of crying, a lot of underlining, and a lot of praying. I felt as if I was part of conversation about just how hard motherhood is – wonderful, but very hard.

The lifetime commitment that is motherhood will, many days, stretch you beyond what you think you can handle. ~Sarah Mae

Sarah Mae is just exiting the years of having very little ones. Sally helped her walk through those trying years. They both provide so much hope and understanding in their transparent words!

A mother, living well in her God-ordained role, is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation. ~Sally Clarkson

Raising three boys {one who is still not sleeping through the night} often leaves me feeling breathless – in both good and exhausting ways. There are very few quiet moments in my day. Life is never boring, but can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when I try to do everything myself.

This is not the way it was meant to be! We need moms coming alongside one another to encourage and HELP, both with words and physical help. Desperate is a call for more of these types of relationships! {Check out the “No More Desperate Moms Resolution” right here – SO good.}

And I am SO glad it is available for all of you to read now as well! I’ll be going through it again with my Bible study starting in a few weeks and I cannot not WAIT!

This launch week for Desperate holds lots of exciting things in store for you…

Special Promotion from DaySpring

Sarah Mae, Sally Clarkson - Desperate

DaySpring has a special one-day offer for all of you who purchase Desperate through their site! When you buy the book from DaySpring on Monday, January 7th ONLY, you will get a free journal from them! You must purchase the book from DaySpring to receive the journal. The journal gift is good for Monday the 7th only.


The following special gifts are for those purchasing books for small groups! You can purchase the book on Amazonand Barnes & Noble, as well as DaySpring as mentioned above. Instructions for receiving the free gifts follows the list!

*Purchase five books during launch week (with the goal of leading a small group) and receive:

*Purchase eight books during launch week (with the goal of leading a small group) and receive:

  • Free custom print from Red Letter Words (400 available).
  • Free “Mother’s Love” art print.
  • Free custom Vintage Pearl necklace (50 available)
  • Desperate, a DVD Companion study.
**For more details on receiving your free gifts, along with a TON of launch week giveaways {including a spa weekend with Sarah Mae and Sally!!!}, visit this post on the Desperate Mom site!
Do you ever feel desperate as a mother? Has anyone come alongside you to help in those tough seasons? Have you been the one to help?