Ok, I’m not a doctor.  But my husband is halfway there…

I did write a prescription for myself this week though and I am writing it for all moms (and dads) out there reading this right now…

The Prescription:  Before you go to bed, go take a peek at your sleeping children.  Tuck them in, give them a kiss, say a little prayer over them.  Repeat every night.

I’m sure every age is a challenging age with children, but these past few weeks have been especially stressful and trying for me.  Most nights, I was going to bed wondering how I was going to handle the discipline issues and chaos the next day.

But one night, I took some extra time and checked on the boys before my bedtime.  And I was overwhelmed with my love for them again.  So adorable and precious.  Tears were not far away.

And I decided I needed that feeling EVERY night – to go to bed with thoughts of love for my children, not stress.

So I have done this EVERY night since then and it has done my heart – and my relationship with my children – good.

And I will repeat this course of treatment nightly.

Had a stressful day with the kids?  Feeling like the kids are a burden, not a gift?

Give this a try and call me in the morning.