Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings Blog reading can benefit your life and build you up or can it can take it over and drag you down.

Well-written blogs inspire and encourage. Others can make you feel guilty or overwhelmed or less than what you are.

That’s why I choose which blogs I read on a regular basis very carefully. And I try to keep the list fairly short so blog-reading doesn’t consume the time I need to be spending with family and friends.

The blogs I have listed below are the ten blogs I read almost every single day. The posts are sent to my inbox because I know I don’t want to miss a post and it is easy to read them at my convenience.

I am so grateful for the ladies who pour out their hearts and wisdom and creative genius on these sites because they inspire me to be all God created me to be as a wife, mom, homemaker, friend, woman, writer, and daughter of the King!

To clarify: I DO read other blogs. There are many writers I enjoy very much who I have probably left off this list. I will probably have to write a second top ten list for those I forgot this time around!

Top Ten Must-Read Blogs

{in no particular order}

1. Peak 313 Fitness – Clare’s site is all about getting fit physically and spiritually. Encouragement, workout plans, healthy recipes, and lots of motivation!

2. Simple Mom – LOTS of practical advice about living more intentionally and simply with your family.

3. The MOB Society – I know I’m one of the founders of the site, but I need the words of those writers in my inbox daily! I love this connection to other boy moms!

4. Women Living Well – I love Courtney’s site for marriage advice and loads of Biblical truth. She also hosts lots of wonderful challenges that involve accountability and you know I love that!

5. I Take Joy – Getting Sally’s posts in my inbox feels like having a mentor email me every evening with some sage wisdom to help me grow as a mom.

6. Beauty and Bedlam – I want to be like Jen. She is a godly woman who is also hospitable, fashionable, frugal, creative, and a wonderful mom!

7. Inspired to Action – I feel like Kat is my mom life-coach. She gives awesome encouragement and helpful resources ALL. THE. TIME.

8. Impress Your Kids – My #1 go-to site for all things kids and faith. Amanda is a creative rockstar and I trust her recommendations 100%. Plus, I wish she lived next door.

9. The Better Mom – A wonderful team site with beautifully-written posts any mom would be blessed to read. And I am blessed by it daily.

10. (in)courage – The one site I think every single woman should read – married or single, mom or not, any age or race. You will find something just for you every week at (in)courage.


Which blogs are on your “every day” list?