I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Boys & Girls Club of America. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
Our love for running has rubbed off on our children. They have done a few races and their interest keeps growing. It has been so fun to run with them and cheer them on along the way! I am so thankful for this development because this active lifestyle isn’t the normal for kids in America these days.
Kids are spending more time than ever sitting in front of screens – TV, video games, mobile devices – and, due in part to this, 3 out of 10 kids in the United States are either overweight or obese. Children should be spending 60 minutes a day doing moderate to vigorous physical activity, but only 25% of youth ages 12-15 are actually meeting this requirement.
I’m not ok with this current trend and neither is Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
That’s why BGCA has teamed up with The Coca-Cola Company and Anthem Foundation to fight the growing rate of childhood obesity among our nation’s youth with the . Through this program and partnership, BGCA clubs will build the next generation of leaders, motivating kids to be healthy through nutrition and health education, more access to healthy foods, avoidance of risky behaviors, and a lifelong commitment to fitness.
Over the past ten years, the has connected with 10 million kids, sharing the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition through the program’s three components focused on mind, body and soul.
The doesn’t only have an impact at BGCA clubs. Every family can benefit from Triple Play through the Parents Game Plan!
In the Parents Game Plan, you’ll find guidance for introducing a healthier lifestyle to your family, tips for setting goals, and activities to try to benefit mind, body, and soul!
My kids love games and puzzles, so they had fun with the “What’s the 411? Relay,” a true/false game about healthy eating.
I’m always looking for ways to help the boys get active and burn off some extra energy after school, so I loved the Fitness Relay idea from the Parents Game Plan!
One person starts off and does a fitness move, such as pushups or jumping jacks, and then the next person performs the move, and so on.
My kids love that they each get to lead and I love how active it gets them! And it’s even better when The Hubby and I join in! Pushups, jumping jacks, squats, sprints, and high knees were the picks for our boys.
These are just a small portion of the many ideas shared in the Triple Play Parents Game Plan! It is a valuable resource for families looking for ways to get healthy and active together.
Now it’s your turn: download the Triple Play Parents Game Plan and get your family moving in a healthy direction together!