In what is quickly becoming a monthly event for some girlfriends from church, we gathered last night for a girls craft night and it was fabulous!

We had a few snacks and then got to work, chatting all the while, of course!

Some define themselves as crafty, others not so much, but the chance to hang out with other women will make us do anything, right?! In the words of one mom there – “I just need some adult interaction!”

And everyone had a blast!


using Mod Podge

and stenciling…

to come up with some CUTE stuff…

Our projects for the night included these fabric magnets from Make It and Love It

experimenting with fabric flowers like these…

and my favorite from the night, these adorable monogrammed canvas bags from Ashley Ann at Under the Sycamore

Regardless of level of “craftiness,” fun was had by all and another night is already in the works for February!

Any projects we just have to do? Please share!

A BIG thank you to the hubbies for making this possible by watching and feeding children, etc. We love you guys!