A mother duck plucks feathers from her heart to line her nest. This is what your home, children, husband need of you. Line your life with bits of yourself. Scraps won’t suffice for your children. Ann Voskamp

This quote. It has changed my life.

And I’ve heard similar words before:

“I’m the only mother these children will ever have.”

“Only you can be your husband’s wife.”

But something about the picture of the mama duck actually PLUCKING feathers from her breast is powerful.

That is sacrifice. Close-to-the-heart sacrifice.

Something I’m not as closely associated with as I would like to be.

But as the keeper of my home, THIS is my nest and it is MY giving and sacrifice that will provide a soft, warm place for my children and husband to be cared for, nurtured, and loved.

How can I line that nest?

Getting up early to spend time in the Word and prepare for the day.
Planning ahead to make the most of our time and avoid stress – meal planning, fun activities with the boys, date nights with the hubby.

Creating a pleasant, peaceful, inviting environment in our home, especially in the kitchen and living room where we spend most of our time. {Courtney is focusing on her kitchen this week and I am joining her!}
Praying over my family each day and throughout the day.
Realizing the online world will go on without me but not my family.


As I write these words, I am grateful for a God who gives me these gentle reminders and second chances to live out the life He has planned for me.

The giving of myself as a wife and mother. And aren’t those smiles TOTALLY worth it?!

holy experience

Slowly counting my one thousand gifts…

21. Beautiful music by this woman and this woman.

22. The sweet return of Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist.

23. Dimples. Cute, chubby cheeks with dimples.

24. The numerous ways people are changing the world for the better through social media – like this challenge starting today. Won’t you join me?

25. Doors long shut creaking open just a crack…

26. Perfect natural lighting.

27. Words of encouragement.

28. Grandparents who couldn’t love on our children more if they tried.

29. Flavored creamers returning for the holidays: Peppermint Mocha, Pumpkin Spice…mmm…

30. “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:11

Gratitude and giving – what a great way to start the month of November. How is your heart stirring in these areas?

30-Day Giving Challenge


You are always welcome at Home with the Boys – please join us on the journey!