Yesterday, we received a letter from a pastor who works with our Compassion child, Samson.

It was a very touching letter, talking about the community, the center Samson attends and the great needs of the children.

But one sentence stood out to me more than any other:

Our program is making a big influence in the lives of children. Right now, we have 44 children who have sponsors and another 206 who are registered, but are still waiting for sponsors.

250 children in this program – 206 still need sponsors.

My heart just ached after reading and rereading that sentence.

SO many children, so few sponsors.

And this is just at one program in Tanzania alone.

Believe me, I’m not writing this to make anyone feel guilty. My eyes have just been opened so much in the past few months, thanks in large part to Compassion, and I feel a strong need to bring awareness to others.

Children deserve better – wherever they live, whatever they were born into.

Would you please pray and consider being a sponsor?


***And while you’re at it, would you also please pray for and follow the group of Compassion bloggers headed to Guatemala right now? I KNOW their stories and pictures will touch your heart and mine – God is already doing amazing things in that group!

Bloggers on the trip include many of my favorites:

  • Ann Voskamp
  • Lindsey Nobles
  • Lisa-Jo Baker
  • Amanda Jones
  • Patricia Jones (trip Leader) –
  • Shaun Groves (trip Leader) –
  • Keely Marie Scott (trip photographer) – 
  • Compassion Bloggers: Guatemala 2010