I was ashamed today to realize that I hadn’t posted a Multitude Monday post since the end of SEPTEMBER. What?!
I could tell you all of my excuses, but that wouldn’t be fun for anyone, so enough dwelling on that…

701. Making homemade donuts for the first time!
702. Watching the kiddos {and the hubby!} enjoy those donuts!
703. Wearing capri pants in January – high of 62 today! {And the pants are comfy for this big belly!}
704. Kite flying in January.
705. Having the hubby home on break for a wonderful, long time!
706. The hubby going back to school today – not because we want him to be gone, but because it means only 12 weeks left of medical school for him!
707. Baby hiccups.
708. Diaper sales at Target. {Time to stock up!}
709. Washing and folding baby clothes.
710. Fountain Cherry Coke from Target.
711. The boys’ excitement about baby coming soon.
712. Lego building. All day long.
713. The mini-trampoline. {Really, thank you Jesus!}
714. A leaf hanging on as a reminder of this unusual, wonderful winter weather.
715. Laughing with friends.
716. Coffee and crochet – a little mommy break in my day.
717. Heath candy bars.
718. Catching the sunset while the boys ride bikes.
719. Reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom with Little J – and him “reading” along with 🙂
720. Hiding the Word in his heart, even at three-years-old.
Your blessings this week? I would love to hear them!
hurray for counting again… I have stopped and started so many times! always so thankful for grace!
Amen to grace!
Awesome list!! Love the weather, we just got snow! Yea for med school coming to a close!!
The weather HAS been amazing, but I miss the snow a little, to be honest!
I need to do this on my blog. I have my list started from reading One Thousand Blessings but I get in a funk where I have a hard time remembering to write them, so I haven’t counted any since last Monday.
The blog definitely keeps me more accountable! And the list making helps my attitude so much! We can do this!
These are special moments! Thank you for sharing them with us!
Thank YOU for stopping by and saying hi!
#712 is everyday for us:) Love your list!
It has become every day for us as well! Thanks for saying hi!
So you’ve been craving donuts too? Which recipe did you use?
We usually go for donuts at the grocery store on Saturday mornings, but gave this a try instead and they were YUMMY! And easy! Here is the recipe: http://www.littlebitfunky.com/2011/11/what-i-made-for-monday-naughty-donuts.html