The boys love any water time – kiddie pool, beach, even the bathtub.

But Daddy put a new twist on it the other day when he gave them permission to dump water on him after he finished mowing the lawn.

Summer 2010 064 

And dump they did!

Summer 2010 052Summer 2010 057

So the water flowed…

Summer 2010 069 Summer 2010 048 

And so did the laughter!

Summer 2010 047 Summer 2010 072

Pure joy.

Summer 2010 071 

It was all hugs and kisses afterwards because Daddy asked for it.

Summer 2010 082

Water is a wonderful thing.  It really is the small things, isn’t it?!

tuesdays unwrapped at cats

I’m joining Tuesdays Unwrapped over at Chatting at the Sky to celebrate the beauty of the small moments in life.

I’m also linking up to Sweet Shot Tuesday at My 3 Boybarians for the first time! Great photography all around over there!

Sweet Shot Day

What caused you to stop and smile this week? Please share!



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