Top Ten {Tuesday} I may have mentioned one or two times on here that I am NOT a natural at this whole cleaning/organizing/home management thing. But that doesn’t mean I don’t WANT to get better! And I’m finding that I actually enjoy it all when I have a few things in place to help me out…

My Top Ten Homemaking Life-Savers

10. Activities for the kiddos – I am not above distracting my children with Apple products in order to get through a focused time of cleaning, i.e. before the hubby gets home. I usually choose some iPad/iPod time for them over TV if possible because they actually enjoy playing educational games on the iPad – they aren’t completely zoning out while I clean! They also love to draw, play games, read and do puzzles when Mommy needs to tackle a project!

9. Pandora – This is MY distraction while I clean! The station changes depending on my mood – Hillsong United when I need an energy boost, Instrumental Praise after a stressful day, and lots of other options too {Rachmaninoff, Journey, Christian Rock, Broadway – the list goes on and on}!

8. Disinfectant wipes – I keep a container in the bathroom and in the kitchen. They used to just sit there. Since starting 31 Days to Clean, I’m pulling them out all the time because I notice the messes much more often!

7. 31 Days to Clean – Sarah Mae’s eBook is the perfect blend of cleaning and spiritual inspiration. You HAVE to get it. Seriously changing things around here – just what I need in so many ways.

6. Coffee – My hubby got me a Keurig for Christmas. The readily-available caffeine has done wonders for my energy level, which means getting more done around the house!

5. Simple Mom & Reluctant Entertainer – There are numerous blogs that focus on organizational skills and such, but these are two of my favorites in this vein. And they each have fabulous books out as well {I own The Reluctant Entertainer book, but not Organized Simplicity – have heard wonderful things though! It’s on my list!}.

Simple Mom covers EVERYTHING about getting organized. I could spend hours there just looking at all of the tips and ideas.

Reluctant Entertainer encourages having an beautiful {not perfect!} home so you are not afraid to have people in your home! This site focuses more on food and entertaining – a wonderful inspiration for homemaking!

4. Company – Since I just mentioned entertaining, having company over is actually a life-saver for my homemaking efforts. I go crazy cleaning when people are coming over and I love how it looks and feels at those times. So, taking a cue from the Reluctant Entertainer, I’m trying to have people over MORE, even if it is just for coffee or a kids’ playdate!

3. Accountability – I had a friend who once posted on Facebook that she was going to have all of her laundry finished for the day at noon. She asked someone to check on her at that time to make sure she was done. If my memory is correct, that friend was back on Facebook BEFORE noon announcing all her laundry was done! Even that little bit of accountability can be the push you need to GET. STUFF. DONE.

The #31DaystoClean hashtag on Twitter, as well as having “real-life” friends who are going through the same challenges at the same time, have done WONDERS for my homemaking motivation!

2. My weekly schedule – I wrote about how this schedule came to be in this post late last summer. We took a unique approach to developing a weekly schedule and it works! It has evolved since August, but the basic schedule has stayed pretty constant and is exactly what I need – as long as I stick to it! That’s why my “word” for 2011 is “FOLLOW-THROUGH!”

1. This man.

He is the king of organizing and he is ALL. MINE. {And of course, he’s putting together a storage bench in the picture!} Friends have even had him over to help organize their stuff! I KNOW he has rubbed off on me in a very good way in this area! Having someone in your life – spouse or friend – that is a great organizer can be one of the biggest life-savers when they inspire you to be better!


What are YOUR homemaking life-savers? I can ALWAYS use more ideas!